Editor. Case Studies on Circular Economy models and integration of Sustainable Development Goals in business strategies in the EU and LAC. October 2018. EU-LAC Foundation. https://goo.gl/mCjpUJ
Editor, Strengthening EU-LAC Cooperation: Sharing Experiences for Present and Future Developments. October 2018. IFAIR, https://goo.gl/QMoiWw
Editor. Financing the Transition to Renewable Energy in the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean
September 2018, EU-LAC Foundation. https://goo.gl/AMRHBU
Climate change, debt relief, debt swaps and climate finance. September 2017. Blog article. https://goo.gl/1wh68y
Promote Sustainable, Low-Emission Development, with greater resilience to Climate Change (Proposal for Public Policies in Ecuador). April 2017. Grupo FARO. https://goo.gl/HLVHuW (in Spanish)
Presentation on Climate Change,the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development. June 2016. PowerPoint presentation. https://goo.gl/nxPxbp
Sources of Finance to implement the Nationally Determined Contributions. March 2016. PowerPoint presentation. https://goo.gl/KLp8R5 (in Spanish)
Climate Finance in the Paris Agreement: Challenges and Achievements. March 2016. PowerPoint presentation. https://goo.gl/Z14aBH (in Spanish)
AILAC achieved success in its climate finance priorities. February 2016. Blog article. https://goo.gl/DefKD5
Co-author. Innovative Instruments for Climate Finance, January 2015. Blog article. https://goo.gl/ytuphx
Gearing up for the COP20 in Lima - Progress in Climate Finance. October 2014. Blog article. https://goo.gl/FtQLP1
Climate Change starts to take its toll. February 2014. Translation of article published in Revista Gestión of Ecuador. https://goo.gl/3W9j8s